Based on the readings we have done in class I have noticed a trend in receiving fame and fortune is by being a famous warrior fighter, but not everyone in the middle ages were great fighters like Beowulf. After 1100 there was no longer this idea of a society having three orders. The population of Europe began to increase and more jobs became available. People were now working as merchants, salesmen, carpenters, butchers, weavers, food sellers, architects, painters, and even jugglers. Based on the stories we have read in class I automatically assumed these people living during this time were either a fighter, King, Queen, a laborer, or a monk. I had no idea that these other jobs were made available to their societies. Many people also owned their own land and were considered free men.
The link above is another interesting site that shares some interesting facts about the middle ages that I did not know. My favorite is the second one! Apparently Medievil bread could kill you or get you high because the rye to make bread was often infected with ergot, which can give someone LSD like hallucinations!!!!
I can see how a person who has never delved much into this world might be confused as to what common folk were actually doing at this time. However, it is an interesting time for things like this and since not many artifacts have survived from the early medieval time period it would be hard to know that architects and painters and weavers existed. But they had to, economies do not live off of glory killing and gold hoarding and not everyone is cut out for farming or chicken raising.