Saturday, March 5, 2016

Castles and Culture

I have always found castles interesting. As a child I have grown up watching movies with prince and princesses that live in them like Cinderella. I have always wanted to visit one and stay the night because I find them so beautiful and fascinating. We have not really talked about castles in class yet. Castles seem to play a role in mediaeval culture.  I found many things interesting when researching more about castles.

Castles are symbols for mediaeval lords. Knights lived in the castles kind of as a safe base.
It was more than a home. It was a community. It had everything people needed for a night’s stay. I found this interesting because in the middle ages people usually do not help others out as much. having a leader that is protecting made my heart melt. It shows that they actually care about their kingdom/ people.

Castles were mostly build to protect families when war happened. Again it was a safe place to go no matter what. I wish we had a place like that. Even if we had somewhere that we could visit I would be in love.

This picture is perfect in what I think of when someone says castle. It even has the bridge and water around it.  Castles are linked to culture because they are constantly changing. Castles were mostly used in war but were perfectly thought out. Obviously they kept changing and improving like everything does. I just think they amazing to look at. i would love to visit one. Actually there is a play castle for children called castle park that is twenty miles away from where I live. I have brought my family there before and even though it is for kids I still enjoy going through it. Let me know what you all think about the culture of castles and the middle ages.


  1. Mikaila, I share in your affinity for castles. Many are breathtaking and packed full of history. I think Disney definitely had an influence on my interests, but now that I am older the history/the true events intrigue me more than fairytales. If you love castles I highly recommend researching Castle Dunrobin, it reminds me of the castle from Beauty and the Beast.

    1. Thank you Kinzi I will look in to that. Obviously Beauty and the Beast was one of my favorite, so I am sure it will be beautiful!

  2. Castles are definitely a "lost art" I, too, have always been fascinated by castles because of Disney, especially the Beauty and the Beast castle. (Give me the library.) I want to travel to Europe and visit castles because of the admiration I have towards them. Instead of castles, we have skyscrapers. I guess they are impressive, but they just aren't as "magical" or historical as a castle. Great post!

  3. I also share a fascination of castles with you ladies! I think partly because we have grown up listening to fairy tales and in ever single story the princess lives in a castle and who doesn't dream of being a princess?! I love Googling castles and looking at the different types and seeing where they are! I would also love to travel to Europe touring different castles. They're massive and full of culture and history. They're magical!

  4. The picture you posted is beautiful! I absolutely adore it! I don't dream of being a princess though, I'd be perfectly fine just being a part of something that big! Thank you for the information!
