Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Reflection on The York Crucifixion

          While reading The York Crucifixion all I could do was think about how awful everything that was going on was. I am familiar with the story about how Christ was put up on the cross,but this made the story much more in detail than I remember when I first heard about it. The way that the story goes into detail about all the little things that the soldiers did when they were getting him ready gives you a very vivid image in your mind. While reading the parts about how they were stretching his body to get him where they needed to nail his hands in made me cringe. This reading also shows how kind and forgiving the son of God is, he prayed for these soldiers 3 times, he wanted to show them that even after all they had put him through they could still be forgiven and be in heaven with him. This would be an example that someone who was teaching about Christianity would want to tell to people. It would give them a way to show that even the best people are put through trials, these trials are what show who is worthy and who is not. It could be a way to justify if something bad has happened in a persons life and that was what was keeping them from following someone who is supposed to be protecting them from all the bad in  life.


  1. Callan,
    I agree totally. While, I knew how horrific the crucifixion of Jesus was, reading something that is so descriptive that I could picture everything I was reading. I think that this also should get taught in the crucifixion of Jesus. So, those who worship him will be fully aware of the sacrifice he made for everyone. This was one of the gorier items we have read.

  2. Yes. While most teachings/interpretations of the Crucifixion I've read focused on the suffering of Jesus carrying the cross, many stop there. They don't go into detail on how painful the process was.

    Also the fact that the soldiers are not outright malicious to him really, they just to be doing their job. They never refer to him by name, which is mostly different from most interpretations. Not to mention he's praying for the soldiers as he's dying from drowning in his own fluids.

    It's very descriptive in its showing of the overall process and the soldiers' indifference, which highlights the gore and the pain Jesus is suffering.
