Sunday, February 7, 2016

Medieval History Repeating Itself?

From the readings we've had so far on Medieval culture and just how religious they were, I couldn't help but too think about how much their "problems" with mankind are simikar to the problems todays Christians see in the world. Some of the older, more traditional Christians see a very progressive world that scares them, and a lot of the examples the narrator gave in "Blinckling Homily 10" and Wulstans' " Sermo Lupi ad Anglos" about men not having the right mindset, and the stronger religion\civilization will come and take over. America sort of has taken on this terrified mentality of other groups of people comking in and being able to completely take over because they have such a strong tie to their religion, for example ISIS. The Vikings in those stories can be compared to how savage ISIS is, and how they go in and take over anything and everything because they have the strength and resources. Now granted in today's world the technology is so much more advanced, so the to are extremely different in that sense. Behind the idea of the two terrible civilizations are the same threat and the same terror.
Its strange to think that history repeats itself but we see it happening again and again. Maybe a lesson or two can be learned from the Medieval times and history in general. :)

1 comment:

  1. Danielle,

    I really liked how you compared the readings that we have read in class into the problems our modern society has had. Its a little weird that our country does experience that same paranoia that a powerful army will come in and over rule out country. So is the saying true when we ask is history repeating itself? Because in this case it sounds like it is!
