Thursday, April 14, 2016

If I could've met

If I could've met anyone in the texts I would love to have met King Arthur and documented everything going down throughout his life. I mean, yeah, he's fictional, but he had a very dramatic and exciting life. He had a magic sword, was possibly bisexual, and had a huge castle and lots of knights.

I've also read from other sources that a lot of his knights had superhero-like magical powers and that would've been cool to see.

There's just so much drama in his life, like his family, his knights, and his quests. The quest for the Holy Grail is an interesting one I would've liked to follow, as well as his journey to Avalon.

Also, it would be interesting to see how the mythology of the knights began, as history tells that knights were often simply warriors for hire that served a lord, and the nobleness and chivalry was as much of a myth as the story of Arthur.

I also could've went up to Arthur and said "Look, Mordred's...not a great dude. And you probably shouldn't listen to everything Gawain says and needs." Then, we could have more King Arthur least for five more minutes before something else equally as terrible happens.

It would just overall be great to be a bystander in one of the most influential and famous founding myths in world history.


  1. That is very interesting Kathryn. It is interesting to wonder what it would be like to meet your favorite character as if he or she was a real person. All the questions one could ask! In regards to the Arthur legend, I think my interest would be more toward Merlin, he is mysterious and I would want to know more about that.

    1. Yeah, Merlin would be great too, especially since his point of view is vastly different from most humans in that he 'lived backwards'. Also, magic is always awesome.

  2. I think Arthur would have been a cool character to meet as well! (Especially after the discussion we had over him and Lancelot in class on Thursday.) I think it would be interesting to meet him and see what he is really like. I have a feeling he wouldn't be like what we think he is. (Just a hunch.) Overall, I think he would be cool to observe and meet all of his knights.

    1. Yeah, legends tend to exaggerate. I would love to delve into the true personality, and see what emotions and turmoil were behind the legend.
