Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The End

Fellow bloggers,

This semester has flown by and cannot believe this is the final blog post. This class is not like any other class I have taken. I honestly learned so much, pretty much everything we talked about this semester was new material for me. Therefore this blog post will be dedicated to the most interesting topic in medieval lit. My favorite topic so far this semester was all the Marie de France poems. I am a little more familiar with her work and have always loved it, so those were the most intriguing to me. However, I loved the discussions that were in class. I loved the directions that Dr. Mann guided us in, we pulled out many interesting, wild, and out there themes from our readings. Examples of the most interesting ones were: heterosexual love triangles, swords=penis=power, and the theme of penetration with swords = penetration in sexual activity.

This has been a fun, but informational class and I am so happy that I got the chance to be apart of it! 


  1. Lexie, I cannot believe how quickly this semester has gone by. We have learned so many things and I completely credit that to our in class discussions. The love triangle in literature is also one of my favorite theories, it definitely offers a different way of reading literature.

  2. I can't believe how quick it has zoomed by either. It's crazy to think about how much my knowledge of this time Era has developed in only 16 weeks.

  3. I can't believe how quick it has zoomed by either. It's crazy to think about how much my knowledge of this time Era has developed in only 16 weeks.

  4. I really liked the Marie de France lais as well. I think since we are so familiar with the Arthur tales they were easier to work with and understand.
